We all have dreams. We always have. And yet at some point in our lives, some of us go chasing our dreams and others cast them aside and live life the way we’ve grown accustomed to. And so, whether you’re already chasing your dreams or you’ve all but forgotten about them, I want to inspire you to take action – today.
The truth is, we all have a dream, or if you prefer – a goal, and not only that, but we all have a gift too. And I believe that we should all be living our lives in such a way that we give our gift to the world, because then and only then, will we be living our lives with purpose. You can read more about my beliefs right here, and hopefully get even more inspired!
Inspiration #1: Days will come and go, no matter what
Where do you want to be a year from now? Time is going to tick along. You’re going to get to that one year mark in exactly one year. It’s going to happen. And at that point, do you want to be exactly where you are today, or do you want to be one step closer to your dream life, if not living it? Time will pass, no matter what. Think about all the things you already wish you would have done in your life. Do you want to add one more thing to that list?
Inspiration #2: Feeling your best, every day
What if you could feel great, purposeful, energized, excited and content every day? Even if not every day, what if you could feel those things almost every day? Wouldn’t you do whatever it takes to get there? That is the result of creating a life that’s filled with purpose. And creating a life filled with purpose starts with identifying your goals and your dreams, and then working to achieve them.
Inspiration #3: Success is inevitable
What if you knew that success was inevitable? What if you knew and truly believed that if you put in the work, and you continued to invest in your goals, that you would eventually accomplish them? Would you start now? Because realistically, it’s going to take the same amount of time whether you start now, tomorrow or next year. So the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll reach your goal, right?
Inspiration #4: Time is available to us all
There is always enough time. It’s counterintuitive that a lot of people don’t get started on their dreams and their goals because “there isn’t enough time”. And yet there are others who also only have 24 hours in a day but who accomplish so much within that timeframe. All it takes is drive and determination to “find” that lost time. And whether it takes a month, a year or 5 years to accomplish your goals, knowing that you’re working towards it is so satisfying that you just might “find” more and more time in your day.
Inspiration #5: We CAN build a better world
A friend of mine once asked me this thought-provoking question, “What if all jobs paid equally? People would then do the things they loved. They wouldn’t pursue higher-paying jobs just for the money. Everyone would do what everyone was best at, what they enjoyed doing. Imagine how much better people would feel. Imagine how much better products and services would be, and customer service, too.” I want you to think about that too. How much better would the world be if we all pursued our dreams? If we all did the things that we were great at? If we all did the things that we were passionate about doing?
Putting it all into perspective…
I’m not saying be reckless, abandon everything and start living your dream life even if it’s beyond your means. But I AM saying take a step towards it. The possibility of turning your dream life to reality is constrained only by your actions. And that, in turn, means this is really in your hands, and your hands alone. You can choose to carry on the way you are today, getting the results you’re getting today. Or you can make a change, starting today, starting right now. You can do the things you need to do to move you one step closer to your goals. In fact, only you can do this for yourself. No one else can do it for you.
Remember: You can do this. You were born to do this.
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